Minions and Volunteers do the “At-Con” work, the stuff that makes a RadCon attendee's experience different from other Conventions. Their number 1 goal is to assist anyone in need to ensure RadCon happens each year. Without these denizens of the Con, hundreds of nerds would be lost to the abyss of their own constructs and RadCon couldn’t exist!
So why volunteer? Glamour, attention, brushing elbows with Guests, helping the helpless Con-Goers, “behind the scenes” look at favorite fandoms, and ... some very fun goodies and comradery! If you’re a new volunteer, helping out this year will mean a $25 membership for next year’s convention. Don’t miss our volunteer appreciation party Sunday night, The Dead Rabbit Feast! We gift out goodies to the most dedicated volunteers in each department and acknowledge the best, worst, and most entertaining volunteer stories of the weekend!
Email us your contact information and we’ll find work for you. Include mundane stuff like: a Name, working phone number, physical restrictions, etc. If you have a preference for a specific department, include that as well so we can find the best fit for your abilities and desires. SO...go on, Introduce yourself and join our merry band of misfits. Many volunteers, one big family.