Our Mission:
RadCon Guild is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to the promotion of Art, Literature, Science, Gaming and Imagination especially in the Science Fiction/Fantasy genres. We support education of the general public in these areas by hosting the RadCon Science Fiction Convention. We will assist individuals and fan-based groups or charities in furtherance of these goals.
RadCon is a general Science Fiction/Fantasy convention held annually in Pasco, WA during President’s day weekend. The membership to our convention totals more than 2,500 attendees. The RadCon Guild, the organization that sponsors and operates RadCon, is a Washington State not-for-profit corporation who’s goal is to support Education, Writing and film through the Science Fiction Genre.
As a community involved organization, we support local schools in multiple ways:
1) By sponsoring the Cavalcade of Authors, helping bring internationally recognized writers to the area. RadCon provides financial support needed to sponsor one of their incoming authors every year for the enjoyment of local elementary students.
2) By sponsoring Student Writer’s Workshops, accepting students’ work to be critiqued by our visiting professional writers and editors. The resulting comment and answer sessions give our upcoming writers valuable guidance in how to make it in the industry.
3) By sponsoring a Student Artist showing during our convention, giving students in our school access to professional artists. That experience includes meeting our renowned guests and having the submitted Student Art critiqued by current experts.
4) By sponsoring over 60 hours a year (average) to local schools in the form of professional writers, editors, artists, and media professionals. These internationally recognized individuals are brought into the area by RadCon and transported to our area schools to discuss their areas of expertise on a one-to-one or classroom basis. This comes at no expense to the schools, with everything covered by the RadCon Guild.
Several of our Governing Board and Committee members work for local schools in a variety of ways, which keeps us in touch with the needs of our local area.
We further support local students by periodically offering scholarships in Writing and Art to help off-set college costs.
We also support:
1) The Tri-Cities Fan Film Festival (TCIF3), a local non-profit which has become internationally recognized. The Festival began at RadCon and now shows their entries annually at the Convention, as well as around the country.
2) Yearly donations of advertising space to “The Clayton Fund” and “The Endeavor Awards”
3) Bi-Yearly donations to the Blue Mountain Wildlife Fund.
4) Advertising space, donations and assistance to other Conventions and Fan groups in our region with like goals. This assistance has totaled more than $20,000 during the RadCon Guild’s existence.
5) Yearly donations to selected charities. In 2015, our members raised over $900 for Pet Over Population Prevention.
We are able to provide many activities for our members to do and see at RadCon including:
-Over one hundred professional or recognized amateurs in Film, Writing, Art and Science.
-100s of panels, discussion groups, and demonstrations covering all areas of Science Fiction and Fantasy
-A large Art Show featuring artists from all over the US and Canada
-Dealers room
-Role Playing and Board Games and Tournaments
-Card Gaming and Tournaments
-Anime and SciFi video rooms
-The TCIF3 Independent Film Festival
-And KidCon, just for the younger members to have fun in a safe controlled space
You can find us at most Northwest conventions where we host non-formal get-togethers with our members and those that just want to say “Hi!”.
Come join us!