Getting Involved

How to Get Involved with RadCon

If you have found your way here, we know you want to get involved with RadCon somehow. We can promise you there truly is a place for everyone. Whether you would like to join us as an attendee or you'd like to become an integral part to the Convention Committee, it's best you know something first: We are all passionate in what we love.

Knowing this, the first step of involvement is Registration. Having a passion for something nerdy is what we strive to share with our community. Your Registration allows you to share your love of Sci-Fi and Fantasy with other individuals all weekend long.

Following your Registration comes certain Membership benefits and a voice to help shape the Program you've just experienced. If you feel there isn't enough Cowbell, you have a voice to influence and change this through ConCom meetings.

If you feel like you can do more, then one of our various Departments would be happy to recruit you as a volunteer in our big, happy Volunteer Family.

And finally, if those steps were not enough, then maybe a Department Head or Officer role would be a fantastic fit for you. This road will take you as far as you have the strength for. What are you made of?


Culture 16
Gaming 1