Guests of Honor & Pros

Who are the Guests
Each year, RadCon strives to bring knowledgeable individuals to the convention to meet YOU. Each Guest is shown to possess accolades, awards, and accomplishments in their choice field, so you know you are receiving valuable insight into the featured fields during Convention. And the best part: they are just like you and I. So, if you see one of the Guests of Honor during the Convention, feel free to introduce yourself and pick their brain!
This year's Guests of Honor can be found here.

Who are Pros
Knowledgeable and innumerous, the visiting Professionals (aka Pros) are all around you at the Convention. All Pros are featured at various Panels where you are shown what their creative processes look like. From "How to write a screenplay 101" to "Which captain is better: Kirk, Picard, or Crunch", you are sure to find someone to assist in your own creative endeavors. So feel free to introduce yourself and get to know them. Most of the featured Pros are locals from the Pacific Northwest!
See the current list here.

Have the Know-How?
Think you have what it takes to show the way? RadCon is always looking for Professionals and Guests of Honor to feature each year. Please contact Programming to join the Family of Professionals and Outreach for any submissions for future Guests of Honor.