
Governance & Policies

How we run the Guild and What To Do & Not To Do at the Event

Alrighty then! Now for the legal stuff which governs the actions of the RadCon guild, and subsequently the annual RadCon event. You will also find the adopted Policies which show the difference between an Attendees fantastic weekend and a Kobayashi Maru Scenario. THIS is your 1 and only warning as violation of any of the outline Policies may result in your expulsion from the RadCon Guild and it's event(s).

The RadCon Guild is governed by Bylaws, which were revised and adopted by the membership on 10/05/2023. As outlined in the Bylaws, Volunteers are organized according to the Department Structure Policy. If a situation arises which involve Financial matters, involved parties, our officers, department heads, and other applicable delegates are to follow the RadCon Guild Conflict of Interest Policy. Bylaws also dictate all Convention Committee meetings follow Parliamentary Procedures outlined in Robert's Rules of Order. The 1915 Edition of Robert's Rules of Order is available from the Internet Archive in various formats including epub and pdf.

Policies and Procedures regarding our event(s) and Membership are outlined utilizing the links provided. All Policies and Procedures were adopted to keep the Membership safe and the Lawyers happy. If you have any questions, please email a formal request to Officers.