
What does it mean to be apart of the RadCon Guild?

What does a RadCon Membership get you?

Lot’s of great goodies such as attending various panels, seeing great art, weapons demonstrations, and everything else our Programming has to offer! But wait...there's more!

Contact our Minion Coordinator or a Department Head to volunteer and invest back into the Con we all love. After completing 30 hours of work, your membership entitles you to a vote at ConCom meetings! RadCon takes the ideas and opinions of it’s involved members seriously and has been known to implement them regularly.

But remember, that’s some serious power. And all of  Geekdom knows that "with great power, comes great responsibility."

Membership Responsibilities:

  1. Don’t be a pinhead. Common sense dictates we be decent to one another. Treat others how you would like to be treated.
  2. Radcon recommends that everyone follow the 3-2-1 rule. Meaning EACH day, your goal is to get 3 hours of sleep, 2 solid meals, and 1 shower. And yes,Volunteers,this applies to you as well.
  3. Radcon has a long-standing relationship with the Pasco Red Lion. Please behave in a fashion that encourages and allows them to invite us to have our Convention with them again in the following years.
  4. Radcon invites guests from all over the country. They have come a long way to present panels, workshops and talk with our attendees. Please treat them with respect so they return for future conventions.
  5. Follow the policies outlined in the program book and on this website. They can be found HERE if you've lost them.
  6. Membership fees will not be refunded if you are removed from the convention space for violation of Responsibility #1; it's up towards the top of this list if you need a refresher.

Together, we all can make this Convention not only fun & engaging, rather allowing us all to thrive. Stay Classy, RadCon Guild!