We cannot wait to see your talents
Student Contests
In the early years of RadCon, a push was made to involve the Adults of Tomorrow through current student workshops and engagement. In keeping with the spirit of this, RadCon presents its Student Art and Writing Contests. Each will have an associated prize and featurette in the following year's program book. All contests are available to Students currently attending High School or equivalent in Homeschooling. May the odds be ever in your favor!
Short Story
Think you have the "write" stuff to share with our panel of judges? Of course you do! Submit your work by using the button below. Rules and Guidelines can also be found here.
Art and Multi-Media
Want a way to show off your art and canvas RadCon with your skills? Please feel so inclined to share your talents with other Con-Goers to showcase your abilities. All Rules and Guidelines can be found below.