Vendors, Dealers, & Wares

Everything you could ever want...and MORE!

Whether you came for dice or a nice plushy or even Caffeinated Marshmellows, the Merchants have it all. With a plethora of different Vendors showcasing what's instore, you never know what may peak your interests!

If you own a business and/or would like to be involved as a Merchant at RadCon's next event, please fill out the contact form below to contact the Dealers Liason. They will then instruct you on the next steps to get involved. Legal Speak:  Due to local laws, only registered Dealers, Vendors, Artists, Writers, and Publishers are allowed to Sell at RadCon. Violators will be removed from the Convention and the Hotel.

Now that's out of the way, feel free to peruse the list of dealers coming to RadCon!

dealers 3
Dealer Hall
Dealers 2
Culture 1
Dealers annex 3
Community 3
Dealers Annex

Hours of Operation in the Dealers Hall


Room open for setup at 9:00am
Room open to attendees at 1:00 pm
Room closed to attendees at 8:00pm
Room locked by 8:30 pm

*Dealers Annex may vary on times


Room open for dealers at 9:00am
Room open to attendees at 10:00am
Room closed to attendees at 7:00pm
Room locked by 7:30 pm

*Dealers Annex may vary on times


Room open for dealers at 9:00am
Room open to attendees at 10:00am
Room closed to attendees at 2:00pm
Room emptied by 5:00 pm

*Dealers Annex may vary on times